Telink 1.20.0

  • Updated

Release notes 1.20.0

  • Update live: 2023-03-07
  • Platforms: All

What's new?

  • Possible to place agents in different segments in an answer group. These groups are then layers in the call flow. E.g.
    1. First line, a group of agents with their own ring strategy, max waiting time etc. If they don’t answer the call will overflow within the answer group to the next group
    2. Second line, a fall back group with their own settings, etc.
    3. ... and so on
    Wrap-up time gives the agent time to handle administration etc before answering the next call. Possible to add wrap-up time after a call, when declining and on a missed call.

    The call waiting setting will consider an agent available in an answer group even if the agent in question is busy in a personal call or a call from a different answer group. This means that the agent can receive multiple calls at once, useful for on call groups.

    1. The agent Kalle is busy in a personal call when a call is made to the answer group “On-call” which has Call waiting active. The PBX will then try to reach Kalle who will be considered available in the answer group “On-call” - even though he is busy in a personal call.
    2. The agent Fred is busy in a call from the answer group “Support”, and a call is made to the answer group “On-call” which has Call waiting active. The PBX will then try to reach Fred who will be considered available in the answer group “On-call” - even though Fred is busy in another call.
    3. The agent Kajsa is busy in a call from the answer group “On-call”, and another call is made to that answer group. Kajsa will then not be considered available even though Call waiting is active, since Call waiting is not applied on calls from the same group.
  • Zoho integration added to our integration library. Possible to connect Zoho with the app and activate functions such as:

    • Information about who is calling, first & last name, and organization
    • Possible to expand the contact in Zoho before answering the call
    • Automatic call logging
    Via the contact card in the app:
    • Expand contact in Zoho
    • See organization, title, email, and other numbers
    • See account owner in Zoho
    • Create new activities: meeting, call, task, deal & activity
    • View and expand activities in the app

    The Zoho integration is available via the add-on, Insights

  • We are replacing the previous "Additional Information" section in the app with a new powerful (and useful) organizational structure.

    Now, the content is centrally controlled via predefined categories that can be selected. As a default, we have added department, location, and title. With the right permissions, you can add alternatives such as Katrineholm, Sala, Härnösand, and Flen under location.

    To add, remove, and edit categories and options, you need to have Account permission.

    With the User and Teams permissions, you can edit another users data. This will be searchable in the app and can be combined, for example, department + location.

    The organizational structure will be useful in more places in the future. You can already beta-test an advanced contact list and group according to the organizational structure.

    Read more below under Advanced Contact List: Grouping.

  • Instead of just your chosen favorite emojis we have also added a dynamic section which includes all emojis in the message you are reacting to. Said emojis are now automatically selectable.

    Extra useful if you are going to do a quick poll.


  • Now you can choose to create multiple users at once by importing an Excel file in the app.

  • We have added dark mode in the app, available on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS & Android.

    Choose between light, dark, and automatic theme. The latter is controlled by the settings in your OS.


  • Now you have the chance to beta-test your contact list on steroids! You activate it like this:
    Click on the SETTINGS_GEAR.svg → Personal Settings → Expand Appearance → Experimental → Toggle on everything under Advanced Contact List.

    You can choose between prioritized & structured sorting of your contacts:

    • Prioritized based on your starred contacts
    • Structured sorts manually based on the choices you make. Choose to sort by first or last name, as well as ascending or descending
  • Choose whether to group your contacts for a clearer overview. Group by:

    • Internal contacts: group by user data
    • External contacts: group by organization
    • Private contacts: group by storage source
    • Shared contacts: group according to contact group
  • To create an even clearer overview, you can also choose what you want to include among your contacts. Even if you choose not to include anything, it remains searchable. You can choose to include:

    • Colleagues
    • Guests
    • IVR
    • Answer groups
    • External contacts
    • App contacts
    • O365 contacts
    • G Suite contacts
    • Shared contact groups

Fixes & changes

    • Open shared PDF files in app on Desktop, Chrome and Firefox. Also added download buttons directly on previews
    • Search remake
    • Select which channels to search in
    • Sort searchable channels in prio order
    • Open search for a specific channel directly from the channel via VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    • Full screen GUI (show content behind top statusbar)
    • Fixed a problem where the scroll position was wrong when loading more messages by scrolling up in a chat channel
    • Full screen GUI (show content behind top statusbar)
    • Full screen GUI on MacOS and Windows
    • Guests and federated users can now see other user phone numbers
    • Fixed a bug where contact sync from local device could not be turned off on iOS
    • Fixed a bug where symbols in names from insights were escaped in notifications
    • Added number lookup to new voicemail toast and missed call notification

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