Answer group settings for supervisors

  • Updated

Answer group settings for supervisors

As a supervisor in an answer group there is some settings that you can configure. 

Only Pro users can be a supervisor in an answer group.

Agent Groups

You can add as many users as you want in answer- and agent groups. You can have several agent groups in a answer groups and each agent group can have its unique ring strategies.

Click on Add agent group ADD SQUARE.svg

  • Choose a name for the agent group that clearly defines its purpose
  • Choose between
    1. Longest available
    2. Random
    3. Ring all
    4. Priority order
    5. Rotary
  • Toggle on ON.svg if you want to set a maximum waiting time for the answer group. 

    1. SSet the value in seconds, default 240 (4 minutes)
    2. Choose an action for when the value is true 
    3. Click save
  • Manage how to handle the case when there are calls waiting and no agents logged in to the answer group. 

    Alerts, you can activate to send a notification message to agents and/or supervisors to inform them that there are calls waiting and that there are no agents loggin in to the answer group.

    You can notify:  
    • Agents
    • Supervisors
    Action, you can choose what should happen when no agents are logged in. Choose action and click save.

    You can set an action delay which will give agents a change to login and take the call before it gets diverted.

  • You can add as many users as you like to be agents in your answer group.

    1. Click on ADD SQUARE.svg
    2. Select the right user(s)
    3. Click save
    After adding the agent, you can adjust the priority order via drag and drop DRAG.svg 
  • To remove an agent from an answer group, click CROSS.svgon the agent in question. 

Scheduling & Welcome Message

As a supervisor in an answer group, you can manage the opening hours and scheduling settings. Check out this guide to learn more. There, among other things, you can learn more about:

  • Settings for open
  • Settings for closed
  • How to create a new schedule event

Call handling

  • Repeatedly play a message informing the caller about their position in the queue. Toggle on ON.svg / off OFF.svg

    To configure the settings: 

    1. Choose text-to-speech (TTS) or soundfile
    2. Type message or choose file / record a new
    3. Set the repetition delay
    4. Click save
  • Manage how to handle the case when the maximum waiting time is exceeded. 

    1. Set a threshold value (Default: 20 callers)
    2. Choose overflow handling (answer group voicemail, play voicemessage and hangup, busy tone or redirect to number)
    3. Click save

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