Archive calls in the call log

  • Updated

Who can archive calls?

  • A user can archive their own calls
  • A member of an answer group can archive calls from the group

When you archive a call it will not appear in the search result per default. The call is not deleted and can still be retrieved and be viewed in the statistics if " include archived calls" is set as a filter. 

Archive calls in the log

To be able to archive a call you need to do a search, after that follow the instructions below.  

    1. Click VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svgon the call you want to archive
    2. Click ARCHIVE.svg
    3. Click yes
    1. Tap VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg on the call you want to archive
    2. Tap ARCHIVE.svg
    3. Tap yes

Archive multiple calls (bulk action)

    1. Click CHECK_UNSELECTED.svg on the calls you want to archive
    2. When selected they will look like this CHECK_SELECTED.svg
    3. Under the Search result click VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    4. Click ARCHIVE.svg
    5. Click yes
    1. Tap CHECK_UNSELECTED.svgon the calls you want to archive
    2. When selected they will look like this CHECK_SELECTED.svg
    3. Under the Search result tap VERTICAL_ELIPSIS.svg
    4. Tap ARCHIVE.svg
    5. Tap yes



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