Telink 1.9.0

  • Updated

Release notes Telink 1.9.0

  • QUICK_NAVIGATOR.svgUpdate live: 2021-05-08
  • SETTINGS_GEAR.svg Platforms: All 

What's new?

  • Okey, this is a big one! We now made it possible to share call logs. Line state will be visible in the channel/chat you share it too, as well as the incoming callers number. Users can then choose to make a call directly from the shared log. 

  • Today you will see a more dynamic dialler, its' design changes are made to match the conference layout. 

  • Our new media player makes it possible to queue and listen to several voicemails at once. 



Bug fixes & alterations

  • You calls will connect a bit faster now, they were already fast but now they are faster.

  • We have upped the resolution on your screen sharing. It will not require more bandwidth
    even though it's much crispier.

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