
  • Updated

Who can access guests?

  • Users with the permission Guests can view and edit the settings

Access guests

  • To access guests, click SETTINGS_GEAR.svg expand the list USERS.svg guests


  • A guest is a person you can invite to your world of communication without any cost. A guest can be a member of several chat channels, and will also access the direct chat with members of the channel(s). A guest user can: 

    • Chat in channels and direct chats (with members from channel, given the permission)
    • Share files etc.
    • Download the desktop / mobile app
    • Make VoIP-calls within the app
  • There is no cost for guest users, and you can have as many needed. To create a guest user:

    1. Click ADD_ROUND.svg
    2. Select a contact or type in an email address
    3. Choose which channel(s) the guest(s) shall have access to
    4. Click create
  • An invite link can be used when you want to send an invitation to a group of people, e.g. through a email list. 

    1. Expand the list Create invite link EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg
    2. Select the channel(s) the guests joining from the link will have access to
    3. Click create
    4. Copy COPY.svg the link and send it to the guests
    If you no longer want a link to be active you can just click TRASH.svg to revoke it.

    You are just revoking the link, not deleting the guest users you have invited with the link.


  • All guests will have the same default permissions when joining, to edit them:

    1. Expand the list EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg
    2. Choose permissions
    3. Click save

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