Complete search & play access

  • Updated

Access complete search & play access

Access is controlled via the permission Roles & Permission. With it you can distribute the function to other users within the organization.

What is complete search and & play access?

With this permission a user can:

Give the permission complete search & play access to a user

    1. Click SETTINGS_GEAR.svg
    2. Click on your organisation name
    3. Expand the list Roles & Permissions EXPAND_DOWN.svg
    4. Click on Call Log search
    5. Expand the list EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg
    6. Select the user(s) and click on it
    7. Click save
    1. Tap SETTINGS_GEAR.svg
    2. Tap your organisation name
    3. Expand the list Roles & Permissions EXPAND_DOWN.svg
    4. Tap Call log search
    5. Tap to expand the list EXPAND_RIGHT_GRADIENT.svg
    6. Select the user(s) and tap on it
    7. Tap Save

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