Edit another user's personal settings

  • Updated

Edit another users's personal settings

With the permission personal settings, you will be able to edit another user's personal settings. The permission is found under internal administration.

    1. Search for the user and click on the avatar to open the contact card
    2. Click on SETTINGS_GEAR__2_.svg
    3. Click open persona settings
    4. Do your changes and close the dialogue when done
    1. Search for the user and tap on the avatar to open the contact card
    2. Tap on SETTINGS_GEAR__2_.svg
    3. Tap open personal settings
    4. Do your changes and close the dialogue when done

Which settings can I edit?

Possible to edit most personal settings, the most common are
  • To change the activity status
  • Edit call waiting
  • Change voicemail settings
  • Edit workday settings

You won't access settings regarding devices such as headsets and cameras, and you can't sync/integrate a new account such as Microsoft & Google. That type of edits can only be done by the user via their app.

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